Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Start Now


I am a 20 year old Special Education Major who attends a small college in the good ole state of Florida, where the sun shines most of the time.

This is a blog that I am creating to follow my goal for weight loss and living a healthier life style.

I am about 5 feet 4 inches and weighed in on Monday at 179.8 pounds which put me at 35.1% body fat. That happens to be 10% above the healthy percentage of body fat.

I have always tried to lose weight but always seemed to fail whether it be not quick enough results or life getting in the way and myself getting lazy and not following through.

I decided that everyday is my best day to start living healthy so starting this past Monday I have decided to use a wonderful website to help me along my journey.

On this blog I am going to track what I eat and what I do for work out as long as putting my progress of my weight and emotion.

This is going to be a long journey and a tough one at that but I am looking to friends and family to help me along the way as I try to reach my goal weight of 135 pounds. Which means I need to lose 45 pounds --- I hope to reach my goal weight by this time next year.

For now I am off to run some errands before going to gym to do a light walk on the treadmill before going to a Zumba class which burns around 450-600 calories in an hour session. Its lots of fun and I highly recommend it!

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